Overall | |
Matches Played | 11 |
Matches Won | 4 |
Points | 37 |
Hands Played | 680 |
Average Points Per Match | 3 |
Possible Max Points | 88 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 42 |
6-Max | |
Matches Played | 4 |
Matches Won | 1 |
Points | 13 |
Hands Played | 113 |
Possible Max Points | 28 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 46 |
Finished 1st | 1 |
Finished 2nd | 1 |
Finished 3rd | 0 |
Finished 4th | 0 |
Finished 5th | 1 |
Finished 6th | 1 |
Heads up | |
Matches Played | 7 |
Matches Won | 3 |
Points | 24 |
Hands Played | 567 |
Possible Max Points | 60 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 40 |
Games Won | 8 |
Games Lost | 0 |
1st Games Won | 1 |
2nd Games Won | 4 |
4rd Games Won | 3 |
João Bauer on Twitter

Joao Bauer
@pavacsgo @SennheiserBR @primomth Tenho 1 gsp 600 e a almofada do meu fone abriu. Obrigado pela resposta na… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Joao Bauer
Que coisa linda assistir cs e a @furiagg.

Joao Bauer
RT @SuperPoker: EXPLICOU TUDO! Tá na Mão: @jddnbauer explica grande pote no Dia 1A do Main Event do @BSOPoficial Rio Quente https://t.co/eu…

Joao Bauer
RT @SuperPoker: EM BUSCA DO BI! Guilherme Trevisan e @jddnbauer puxam pacote no Mega Satélite para o @BSOPoficial Rio Quente https://t.co/p…

Joao Bauer
RT @IgorFederalReal: Temos o apoio do Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro #PokerLegalRJ O Campeonato Estadual de Poker do Rio é garantido…
Sao Paulo Mets on Twitter

Sao Paulo Mets
RT @FelipeMojave: I am giving a huge value to this result, thanking God so much, because with the big quantity of amazing players we have i…

Sao Paulo Mets
RT @RemkoMedia: This week @GoLeafsGoEh and @DarrenElias joined us on the #PokerCentralPod to talk about their big @WPT scores! https://t.co…

Sao Paulo Mets
RT @WPT: Darren Elias Wins Record-Setting #WPTFallsview for Record-Tying Third WPT Title: bit.ly/2lF2khQ. pic.twitter.com/P1gWjEvPhI

Sao Paulo Mets
RT @FarazJaka: E aí, my Brazilian poker fans? I want to know more about poker in Brasil! Who's up for a 15 min video call tomorrow?

Sao Paulo Mets
RT @BSOPoficial: Com @aakkari em 3°, mesa final do BSOP de Punta del Este acontece hoje à partir das 15h (BRT) bsop.us/2ki0IHL #BSO…